Liao Wang

I'm a PhD student of Catharina Stroppel.


Email: s6liwang[symbol in every email address]

Research Interests

I'm interested in representation theory, particularly in Lie algebras and related topics. Currently I mainly work with diagrammatic categories and Hecke algebras.


Current Previous

If I were a Springer-Verlag Graduate Text in Mathematics, I would be W.B.R. Lickorish's An Introduction to Knot Theory.

I am an introduction to mathematical Knot Theory; the theory of knots and links of simple closed curves in three-dimensional space. I consist of a selection of topics which graduate students have found to be a successful introduction to the field. Three distinct techniques are employed; Geometric Topology Manoeuvres, Combinatorics, and Algebraic Topology.

Which Springer GTM would you be? The Springer GTM Test